- Any -- - Any -
- 3CR Community Radio
- Action for Animals
- Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania (AACT)
- Amber Hall
- Andrew Bartlett
- Andy Carnahan
- Animal Defenders Office ACT
- Animal Justice Party
- Animal Liberation ACT
- Animal Liberation NSW
- Animal Liberation QLD
- Animal Liberation SA
- Animal Liberation VIC
- Animal Rights Advocates Inc
- Animalearn
- Animals Australia
- Animals' Angels
- Australia For Dolphins
- Australian Animal Protection Law Journal
- Australian Animal Studies Group (AASG)
- Australian Humane Educators Network (AHEN)
- Australian Law Students' Association
- Australian Society for Kangaroos
- Australian Vegetarian Society
- Australian Wildlife Protection Council
- Barristers Animal Welfare Panel
- Brightside Farm Sanctuary
- Central Queensland University
- Choose Cruelty Free
- Christine Bond
- Coalition Against Duck Shooting
- Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses
- Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA)
- Compassion in World Farming
- Consume with Care
- Coomalie Community Council
- Deakin University
- Edgar's Mission
- Ethical Eats Limited
- Fair Projects
- Farm Animal Rescue Inc.
- Friends of the Hound
- Greg Keightley
- Griffith University
- Holland Park State Primary School
- Humane Consumer
- Humane Research Australia
- Humane Research Council (USA)
- Humane Society International
- Institute for Sustainable Futures
- John Mancy
- Jumping Dog Productions Pty Ltd
- Lawyers for Animals
- Let Greyhounds Run Free
- Little Oak Sanctuary Incorporated
- Margaret Warner
- Michelle Read Zorn
- Mjadwesch Environmental Service Support
- Monash University
- Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre
- NSW Young Lawyers Animal Rights Committee
- Open Heart Arts Center
- Oscar's Law
- Peanuts Funny Farm
- People Against Cruelty in Animal Transport (PACAT)
- PetRescue
- Port Adelaide Monitors
- Professor Barry Spurr
- Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH)
- Raminginging Community Council (NT)
- Rattle the Cage Productions
- Redfern Legal Centre
- Reverand Barbara Allen
- RMIT University
- School of Law & Justice, Southern Cross University
- Sentient, The Veterinary Institute for Animal Ethics
- Shoalhaven City Council
- Student Youth Network Inc (SYN)
- The Australia Institute
- The Australian PhotoJournalist
- The Great Stupa of Universal Compassion Ltd
- The International Network for Humane Education (InterNICHE)
- The Vegan Society NSW
- Think Kind Inc.
- Tomorrow's Protectors
- Trick Box Creative
- University of Auckland
- University of Melbourne Animal Protection Society (UMAPS)
- University of Queensland
- University of Queensland (Centre for Animal Welfare & Ethics)
- University of Sydney
- University of Tasmania
- University of Technology, Sydney
- Vegan Pet Food
- Vegan Society NSW
- Vegetarian Network Victoria
- Vegetarian/Vegan Society of Queensland
- Wild Oat Films
- Wildlife Warriors Worldwide
- Yugul Mangi Community Government Council
Award Types
- Any -- - Any -
- Eureka Prize
- Grant
- Joint Grant
- Media Prize
- People's Choice Grant
- Special Grant
- Writing Prize
- Any -- - Any -
- Agriculture
- Animal experimentation
- Animals in captivity
- Anti-cruelty legislation
- Building the movement
- Charitable organisations
- Companion animals
- Consumer law
- Education
- Factory farming
- Hens
- Hunting
- Kangaroo industry
- Kangaroo industy
- Kangaroos
- Legal and Policy
- Live export
- Marketing and labelling
- Other
- Pigs
- Regulations and Codes of Practice
Project Types
- Any -- - Any -
- Advocacy
- Award
- Awareness Raising
- Book
- Capacity Building
- Conference
- Director’s Choice
- Education
- Education & Awareness Raising
- Educational resource
- Event
- Film
- Investigation
- Law & Policy
- Legal & Policy
- Legal education
- Legal referral service
- Legal submission
- Market research
- Multi-Channel
- Product labelling
- Public awareness campaign
- Radio
- Report
- Research project
- Resource
Years Awarded
- Any -- - Any -
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
Amounts Awarded
Project Title
At the Fork
Building the movementTrick Box Creative was awarded a $12,000 grant to fund ‘At the Fork’ – seven 2 minute webisodes, which present animal welfare issues to audiences in a non-confrontational format. During each short, Australian teenagers challenge their parents with questions about food and ethics around the dinner table. Each episode winds its way to variations on the phrase, ‘Isn’t it funny what we think of as ‘normal’. To view a copy of the list of webisodes, please click on the download icon below.
Year | 2011Donation Amount | 12000Location | NSWWebsite | http://www.biodistributors.com.auProject Type | Educational resource -
Like a Duck Out of Water: An expose of the Australian duck industry
Factory farmingAnimal Liberation NSW, along with the Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH), were awarded a $13,000 grant to fund ‘Like a Duck Out of Water: an exposé of the Australian duck industry’. This project investigated the Australian intensive duck industry, which currently produces around 8 million ducks per year, subjecting them to cruel treatment and cramped conditions. The report was launched at the Voiceless Awards in December 2013. It will eventually be made available in Chinese, and will be widely distributed to restaurants, duck meat suppliers and airlines. To view the entire report please click the link to download.
Year | 2013Donation Amount | 13000Location | NSWWebsite | HTTP://www.animal-lib.org.auProject Type | Report -
Community Legal Centres’ Animal Law and Education Network
Legal and PolicyThe Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre was awarded a $15,000 grant towards the establishment of a NSW Community Legal Centres’ Animal Law and Education Network. During the life of the project, the network undertook animal protection law activities such as community education and law reform, through the existing Community Legal Centres across the state, with the aim of establishing a permanent network across NSW. To view a summary, click on the download link below.
Year | 2011Donation Amount | 15000Location | NSWWebsite | http://www.nrclc.org.au/Project Type | Legal education -
Ban Jumps Racing
Building the movementThe Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses was awarded the Peoples Choice Award and $15,000 towards mobile billboard advertisements for their ‘Ban Jumps Racing’ campaign. This grant funded the purchase of fortnightly advertising space on mobile billboards towed by two scooters for the first four months of the jumps racing season in South Australia and Victoria, the only two states who continue to allow jumps racing. This advertising drew attention to the animal welfare implications associated with hurdles races and steeplechases, calling on individuals to take direct action, or to get involve with the Coalitions campaign. The ads were supplemented by simultaneous political lobbying efforts by the Coalition. To view a copy of the billboard, please click on the download icon below.
Year | 2011Donation Amount | 15000Location | South AustraliaWebsite | http://www.horseracingkills.comProject Type | Public awareness campaign -
Cage Free Campus
Factory farmingThe University of Melbourne were awarded a $400 grant to fund their ‘Cage Free Campus’ project. The project had two distinct phases: first it sought to raise awareness on campus of the cruel conditions endured by battery hens and second, it aimed to garner the support of the University Council to implement a Cage Free Campus policy mandating a ban on the use of cage eggs by food suppliers on campus. A dedicated web presence was set up for the project and close to 450 signatures were received for the campaign’s petition. The campaign obtained official support from the University of Melbourne Vice Chancellor, whose office has also contacted the Student Union about sourcing free range eggs from suppliers. Campaigners have provided each campus food supplier an information pack and the opportunity to join the campaign which resulted in the successful conversion of one on-campus food outlet to cage free eggs with another currently in the process of doing so. The project has also seen letters sent to each of the residential colleges to encourage the use of cage free eggs in their catering supplies. To view a copy of the sticker, please click on the download icon below.
Website: http://www.melon.com.au/
Year | 2010Donation Amount | 400Location | VictoriaWebsite | http://www.umapsociety.orgProject Type | Public awareness campaign -
Investing with Care
Building the movementThe University of Technology, in conjunction with the Institute for Sustainable Futures, received a $5,000 Voiceless grant to undertake research on shareholder activism. This research is intended to view from an investors perspective, at how a business whose operations, or supply chains, are linked to intensive industrial agriculture can be exposed to serious risk as societal values regarding the health and wellbeing of animals changes.
Year | 2010Donation Amount | 5000Location | NSWProject Type | Research project -
Feedlots: Marbled Meat Expose
Factory farmingAnimal Liberation NSW were awarded a Voiceless Grant of $20,000 towards their ‘Feedlots: Marbled Meat Expose’ project which aimed to investigate conditions in Australian feedlots. The project was specifically focused on animals bred for ‘marbled meat’ with the lions share of work being put into gathering first hand evidence regarding the levels of disease and suffering experienced by these animals. Animal Liberation’s expose eventually resulted in investigations by both NSW Police and the RSPCA. The information gathered as a result of this grant was used as evidence to convince the Assistant Police Commissioner for Rural Crimes Superintendent, Geoff McKechnie, to make it a Task Project to investigate shelter for cattle feedlots in summer, or during periods of excessive heat. To view a copy of an article about this project in Release magazine 01/2011, please click on the download icon below.
Year | 2010Donation Amount | 5000Location | NSWWebsite | https://www.animal-lib.org.auProject Type | Investigation -
Profile of the Australian Kangaroo: A Media Analysis
Kangaroo industryProfessor Eleonora Gullone of Monash University was awarded a $5,000 Voiceless grant to fund her project ‘Profile of the Australian Kangaroo: A Media Analysis’. This report examines the role played by the media in the Australia’s current attitudes toward the kangaroo. To view a copy of this report please click on the download icon below.
Year | 2010Donation Amount | 5000Location | NSWWebsite | http://www.monash.edu.auProject Type | Research project -
Big Birds, Big Cruelty.
Factory farming‘Big Birds, Big Cruelty’ is a community education campaign designed to raise awareness around the little-known issue of factory farmed turkeys in Australia. The $6,100 Voiceless grant funded the production of a significant research report about the factory farming of turkeys in Australia. The report is one element of a broader community education program, which has seen a phase of local grassroots campaigning on this issue. Animal Liberation ACT has held dedicated stalls at the Living Green Festival and the Cruelty Free Festival, as well as leafleting and educational presentations to students at the University of Canberra. Leading up to Christmas, a feature on turkeys was published by Animal Australia which was complemented by continuing campaigns from Animal Liberation NSW and Animal Liberation South Australia, also aimed at raising awareness of turkey cruelty. To view a copy of the report, please click on the download icon below.
Year | 2010Donation Amount | 6100Location | ACTWebsite | http://www.al-act.orgProject Type | Report -
An investigation into whether grief is measurable in animals
Building the movementThe University of Queensland was awarded the Peoples Choice Award worth $10,000 to fund their research report titled ‘An investigation into whether grief is measurable in animals’. In what will be a scientific first, researchers as the University of Queensland will investigate whether animals experience grief when members of their herd are removed. Non-invasive research will be carried out on a herd of cattle through the observation of behavioural changes and analysis of milk samples for physiological changes. Project manager and PhD candidate Jessica Walker says the findings of this research will help inform a greater body of knowledge about animals experience of grief and on their emotional and cognitive abilities. This understanding will lead to improved welfare outcomes and husbandry practices. The final report is expected during 2014.
Year | 2010Donation Amount | 10000Location | QueenslandWebsite | http://www.uq.edu.auProject Type | Research project