• Griffith University Logo
    Griffith University
    Building the movement

    Griffith University, working alongside Compassion in World Farming, received $20,000 for a humane education symposium ‘Humane Education: a compassionate ethic for animals’. Held on the 5th and 6th of October 2006, the event brought together teachers, academics, government and animal welfare representatives, in order to define and assess humane education initiatives in Australia, explore perspectives over various education sectors, and promote interest in the concept and application of humane education. The symposium was attended by almost one hundred delegates from across the country. This resulted in two remarkable days of discussion and debate about the concept of humane education and how it can be effectively implemented in schools throughout Australia.


    Year | 2006
    Donation Amount | 20000
    Location | Queensland
    Project Type | Event
  • Australia for Dolphins Logo
    Dolphin captivity: TV advertisements
    Animals in captivity

    This People’s Choice: Multi-Channel Campaign Grant for Australia for Dolphins will enable this organisation to drive the passing of legislation, which will ban dolphin captivity and captive breeding in NSW. The grant funds will enable the creation of a powerful television ad to expose the horrific cruelty of dolphins in captivity, driving public support to help convince the NSW Premier to support this Bill.

    Year | 2016
    Donation Amount | 8000.00
    Location | NSW
  • Let Greyhounds Run Free Logo
    Let Greyhounds Run Free
    Companion animals

    This People’s Choice: Capacity Building Grant will support Let Greyhounds Run Free to establish a data storage and reporting facility to provide timely, accurate and ‘cradle to grave’ data, on all greyhounds at risk of death in the Tasmanian greyhound racing industry.  This web-based platform will assist in identifying and monitoring dogs, provide statistics for documenting and raising awareness about industry cruelty and be easily accessible by government, industry, media and the public.

    Year | 2016
    Donation Amount | 8000
    Location | Tasmania
    Project Type | Capacity Building
  • Adopt a Greyhound illustration logo
    Companions – Not Commodities campaign
    Building the movement

    Adopt a Greyhound Month will run a month long awareness campaign during April 2016 to promote greyhounds as loving companions, encourage their adoption and raise community awareness of their plight. The campaign will put greyhounds squarely in the public eye, through online promotion and the placement of outdoor advertising.

    Year | 2015
    Donation Amount | 15000
    Location | Australia
    Project Type | Awareness Raising
  • Animal Liberation Queensland Logo
    ‘Ban Greyhound Racing’ billboard
    Building the movement

    This Grant will fund a continuation of Animal Liberation Queensland’s highly influential campaign to ban greyhound racing. The project will build on momentum created by ABC’s Four Corners exposé – which made use of Animal Liberation Queensland’s footage –to reinforce the negative side of greyhound racing.

    Year | 2015
    Donation Amount | 15000
    Location | Queensland
    Project Type | Awareness Raising
  • Little Oak Sanctuary Logo
    Airtime For Animals
    Factory farming

    Little Oak Sanctuary will produce a television commercial encouraging viewers to create change for animals. This Grant will fund the production and placement of the ad which will show people interacting with animals from Little Oak and call on viewers to learn more.

    Year | 2015
    Donation Amount | 15,000
    Location | ACT
    Project Type | Awareness Raising
  • Australia for Dolphins Logo
    Awareness campaign about dolphin captivity
    Building the movement

    This Grant will fund two mobile billboards to encourage visitors to rethink their support of dolphin captivity. The billboard campaign will be accompanied by education programs in local high schools to grow community awareness of the negative welfare effects captivity has on dolphins.   To view the campaign on the roads of Coffs Harbour in March 2016, please click on the download link below.

    Year | 2015
    Donation Amount | 13,380
    Location | Australia
    Project Type | Awareness Raising
  • Good On You Logo
    Free From Harm app
    Marketing and labelling

    ‘Free From Harm’ is an animal protection shopping app that will make it easier for people to act on their concern for animals when they shop. The app will provide users with an overall vegan rating for products and detailed information on over 2,000 fashion and cosmetic brands.


    Year | 2015
    Donation Amount | 5000
    Location | Australia
    Project Type | Education
  • Aussie Farms Logo

    Dominion is the feature-length documentary sequel to Aussie Farms’ 2014 documentary Lucent. Dominion will look broadly at our treatment of animals and will question the morality and validity of our dominion over the animal kingdom. This Grant will provide funds for post-production and promotion of the film.

    Year | 2015
    Donation Amount | 11320
    Location | Australia
    Project Type | Film
  • Voiceless 2015 Grant Recipient Logo
    Eyes For Animals

    The Eyes for Animals project will invite the public to view short animal protection videos. Participants will be approached at universities and train stations and asked to view videos on iPads for $1 payment. The pay-per-view model is intended to incentivise individuals who would not normally engage with animal protection and every viewer will be provided with awareness raising materials afterwards. 

    Year | 2015
    Donation Amount | 4500
    Location | NSW
    Project Type | Awareness Raising
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