• Vegetarian Network Victoria Logo
    Eating Up The World: The Environmental Consequences of Human Food Choices
    Building the movement

    Vegetarian Network Victoria was awarded a $15,000 grant for their booklet 'Eating Up The World: The Environmental Consequences of Human Food Choices'. The funds from this grant funded the production and distribution of the educational booklet, which was aimed at raising awareness of the basic facts concerning the environmental impact of animal industries in Australia. The booklet highlights some of the key problems that are facing both us and our our planet, shedding light on the current condition of the environment and what the future holds. Effective solutions are offered that can easily be implemented to make improvements to the sustainability of our environment and reduce animal suffering. To view a copy of the brochure, please click on the download icon below.  

    Year | 2007
    Donation Amount | 15000
    Location | Victoria
    Project Type | Educational resource
  • Voiceless Grant Recipient Logo
    Australian Animal Protection Law Journal
    Legal and Policy

    John Mancy was awarded a grant of $15,000 for the ‘Australian Animal Protection Law Journal’ (AAPLJ) which is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, bi-annual legal journal, and the first of its kind in Australia. The Voiceless grant went towards the publication and distribution of the journal, which is intended to serve as a source of information about current developments in animal protection law, to be used by members of the Australian legal profession. A further Voiceless Grant in 2013 will soon see the development of a dedicated website for the AAPLJ.


    Year | 2007
    Donation Amount | 15000
    Location | NSW
    Project Type | Educational resource
  • NSW Young Lawyers Animal Law Committee Banner
    The Future of Animal Law In Australia
    Legal and Policy

    The NSW Young Lawyers Animal Law Committee were granted $2,500 to develop and run an Animal Law Conference aimed at promoting the interests of animals through the legal system and raising public awareness of Animal Law in Australia. The conference, titled The Future of Animal Law in Australia' was held at The University of New South Wales on the 6th and 7th July 2007 and was attended by a broad audience including legal professionals, policy-makers, students, academics, industry and the wider community. Conference organisers received a mass of positive feedback at the event and numerous requests for further information on some of the issues discussed. It is hoped that the conference has encouraged the development of animal law in Australia. To view a copy of the conference program, please click on the download icon below. 

    Year | 2006
    Donation Amount | 2500
    Location | NSW
    Project Type | Conference
  • Vegetarian and Vegan Society of Queensland logo
    Boycott Cruelty – Go Vegan
    Building the movement

    The Vegetarian/Vegan Society of Queensland received a $2,500 grant for the re-printing of their ‘Boycott Cruelty – Go Vegan’ brochures. These brochures, originally funded by a 2005 Voiceless Grant, aim to create public awareness about animal protection issues and encourage the public to take action in their personal lives to help animals. They are available for download from the Vegetarian/Vegan Society of Queensland website.


    Year | 2005
    Donation Amount | 2500
    Location | Queensland
    Project Type | Educational resource
  • Voiceless Grant Recipient Logo
    One Mile Dam Animal Welfare Project
    Companion animals

    Christine Bond was awarded a $2,500 grant for the development of her ‘One Mile Dam Animal Welfare Project’, a dog management project which aimed to improve the health and wellbeing of companion animals within indigenous town camps in the Darwin region. The grant allowed Christine to implement de-sexing and vaccination programs and to assist community members to care for their animals, by engaging with other organisations to obtain funding to keep her work going in the future. The project has successfully provided resources and increased awareness of animal welfare in targeted communities.

    Year | 2006
    Donation Amount | 2500
    Location | Northern Territory
    Project Type | Public awareness campaign
  • Humane Consumer
    Humane Consumer
    Building the movement

    Humane Consumer received a $5,000 grant for a project intended to influence the purchasing habits and preferences of mainstream Australian consumers through its website. The grant funded the necessary research and development needed to establish the site, so it could serve as a comprehensive source of information about humane product and service alternatives.

    Year | 2006
    Donation Amount | 5000
    Location | ACT
    Project Type | Educational resource
  • Animal Liberation VIC
    ALV Youth
    Building the movement

    Animal Liberation Victoria was awarded a grant of $7,500 to establish a grassroots ‘Youth’ street team of dedicated animal activist teens across Australia, providing them with the tools necessary to spread the word amongst their peers. This project included homework packs with factsheets on animal rights issues that can be incorporated into assignments; activist materials such as leaflets, stickers, posters and stencils; help with organising events including animal rights video screenings; vegan barbeques on campus; and help with getting vegan options at school canteens and getting a dissection policy in writing at schools.


    Year | 2006
    Donation Amount | 7500
    Location | Victoria
    Project Type | Public awareness campaign
  • Animal Liberation ACT Logo
    Free Range Canberra 2007 – The End Game
    Legal and Policy

    Animal Lib ACT received a $10,000 grant for the continuation of their project ‘Free Range Canberra 2007 _ the endgame’, which was originally funded by a Voiceless Grant in 2004. This project is aimed at bringing about a ban on the use of battery cages in the ACT. In previous years, Animal Liberation ACT had already succeeded in bringing the issue of battery cages to the top of the agenda of the ACT government by raising public awareness, facilitating ways the public could approach politicians and lobbying politicians directly. With this new round of funding, the Free Range Canberra project was successful in bringing about a commitment from all ACT Government agencies/institutions to purchase barn raised or cage-free eggs from 2008 onwards. In addition, the ACT government offered PACE Farms a funding package to facilitate a change in the method of egg production at its ACT facility.

    Year | 2006
    Donation Amount | 10000
    Location | ACT
    Project Type | Public awareness campaign
  • Coalition Against Duck Shooting logo
    Victorian Duck Shooting Ban
    Legal and Policy

    The Coalition Against Duck Shooting used their $10,000 grant to commission Roy Morgan Research to conduct a poll on the recreational shooting of native waterbirds in Victoria. The results of the poll showed that 75% of Victorians, from both urban and rural areas, were in support of a ban on recreational duck shooting. These results were then presented to the Victorian Government in an effort to encourage the cancellation of the 2008 duck shooting season. This strategy was successful with the Voiceless-funded poll adding extra pressure to a campaign which eventually resulted in the cancellation of the 2008 duck season.


    Year | 2006
    Donation Amount | 10000
    Location | Victoria
    Project Type | Market research
  • Australian Wildlife Protection Council logo
    The Kangaroo Trail
    Kangaroo industy

    The Australian Wildlife Protection Council received a $10,000 grant to launch ‘The Kangaroo Trail’. This project aims to give both Australians and international visitors a greater appreciation of, and respect for kangaroos, through the creation of a tourist trail providing first-hand education on, and engagement with, kangaroos. ‘The Kangaroo Trail’ was officially launched by the Australian Wildlife Protection Council at NSW Parliament House on 21 August 2008, and consists of a brochure and website aimed at encouraging both Australians and international tourists to view kangaroos in their native habitats. The brochure and website contain insights into the behaviour of all 50 species of kangaroo, and the best places around the country to see them.


    Year | 2006
    Donation Amount | 10000
    Location | Victoria
    Project Type | Educational resource
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