Lesson Five: English, Yr 7/9
Write Here, Write Now!
Curriculum links: Year 7 – ACELY1726 Year 9 – ACELT1771
Resources you will need
- Lesson 5 Persuasive Writing PowerPoint slides
- Persuasive Writing Prompts (1 per student)
- Dolphins in Captivity Fact Sheet (1 per student)
- Legal Personhood for Animals Fact Sheet (1 per student)
- Broiler Chicken Welfare Fact Sheet (1 per student)
- Animal Protection Encyclopedia
Lesson structure
- Provide copies of the three factsheets to each student.
- Put up on the screen the Lesson 5 Persuasive Writing PowerPoint slides. These slides contain the stimulus options.
- Distribute the Persuasive Writing Prompts.
- Ask them to use the information in the fact sheets to create a persuasive response either for or against the following statements in the Persuasive Writing Prompts:
- Non-human animals should count as ‘persons’ under the law, not just as ‘things’.
- It is acceptable to keep dolphins in captivity for the purpose of educating and entertaining people.
- Housing chickens permanently indoors is not acceptable.
They may find it useful to consult further resources (including videos) for each topic.
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