Books, Articles and Multimedia
A comprehensive compilation of animal protection resources including books, journal articles, documentaries and animal law texts.
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November 2011Law & Policy Animal Law
Animals, equality and democracy
Siobhan O'Sullivan| Palgrave Macmillan -
November 2011Farm Animal Welfare Factory Farming
Every Twelve Seconds: Industrialized Slaughter and the Politics of Sight
Timothy Pachirat| Yale University Press -
June 2011Animal Law
A Worldview of Animal Law
Bruce Wagman & Matthew Liebman| Carolina Academic Press -
June 2011Animal Law
Animal law: principles and frontiers
Graeme McEwen| Barristers Animal Welfare Panel -
May 2011Law & Policy Ethics & Philosophy Education Animal Law
Animal Law: Welfare, Interests and Rights (2nd edition)
David Favre| Aspen Publishers, 2nd ed. -
April 2011Ethics & Philosophy Factory Farming
Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals and the Call to Mercy
Matthew Scully| St Martin's Press -
April 2011Animals in Entertainment Factory Farming Farm Animal Welfare Hunting Sentience
The bond: Our kinship with animals, our call to defend them
Wayne Pacelle| Harper Collins Publishers -
February 2011Farm Animal Welfare Ethics & Philosophy Education Animal Experimentation
Animal Rights: What Everyone Needs to Know
Paul Waldau| Oxford University Press -
February 2011Sentience Farm Animal Welfare Education Animal Law
Education for Animal Welfare
Edward Eadie| Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht -
January 2011Law & Policy Animal Law
Animal Laws of India
Maneka Gandhi, Ozair Husain, Raj Panjwani| Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, 4th ed.