This bushfire season, the estimated death toll of wildlife and farmed animals is close to one billion and climbing still. Unless sweeping changes are made to address climate change now, animals – and the people who dedicate their lives to caring for them – will continue to suffer through drought and fire.
So we’ve compiled a list below of wildlife carers and farmed animal sanctuaries who need your help. You can download a PDF version here.
Disposable Heroes Rooster Sanctuary
Disposable Heroes need funds to recover their sanctuary from significant property damage.
Donate here: https://www.facebook.com/disposableheroesroosters
Little Oak Sanctuary
Little Oak evacuated their animals and although they are now back, they are still on alert from another nearby fire and feeding wildlife from the fire that came 3.8km from the sanctuary.
Donate here: https://www.littleoaksanctuaryau.org/drought-appeal
Lucky Stars Sanctuary
Their sanctuary was not directly hit by fires but Lucky Stars advise that they are running food stations for wildlife, are conducting searches in burnt out areas and have taken in animals affected by fire.
Donate here: http://www.luckystarssanctuary.org
Peanuts Wellbeing Sanctuary
Peanuts are urgently seeking funds to pay for food and infrastructure for their residents.
Donate here: https://peanuts-well-being-sanctuary.giveeasy.org/urgent-help-needed
A Place of Peace
A Place of Peace need donations to help feed and water their 500 residents as well as the wild animals in their fire damaged surrounds.
Donate here: https://chuffed.org/project/bushfire-drought-appeal
Where Pigs Fly Farm Sanctuary
WPF had to relocate its many residents to save them from the bushfires. This has taken a huge financial toll.
Donate here: https://www.wherepigsfly.org/donate-now/
Amaroo Wildlife Shelter *
A small group of dedicated volunteers who are dedicated to raising and rehabilitating wildlife. Their fundraiser has a way to go and the more support we give to these groups, the more animals will grow strong enough to release back to the wild.
Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-amaroo-wildlife-shelter
Animals Australia
AA are running a unique bushfire appeal to help expert wildlife vets travel to fire-affected areas.
Donate here: https://secure.animalsaustralia.org/donate/bushfire.php
Dimmocks Retreat
Dimmocks Retreat are in need of funds to continue their wildlife sanctuary after two evacuations due to bushfires.
Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-our-wildlife-sanctuary-continue
FAWNA are rehabilitating animals from the fire zone on NSW’s Mid North Coast. They are also doing food drops for the survivors and are bulk-purchasing next boxes for possums, gliders and bird species who are dependent on tree hollows for their homes.
Donate here: https://www.givenow.com.au/fawna
Friends of the Koala*
Friends of the Koala are urgently seeking donations as they take in koalas that have been displaced and affected by fires in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. Donate here: https://friends-of-the-koala.giveeasy.org/urgent-help-required
Goongerah Wombat Orphanage
This orphanage was forced to evacuate and had to leave many wombats behind. The property was heroically defended by a neighbour, but they are still unsure of the impact of the fires on the wombats or the local wildlife. They will need assistance to rebuild and care for both their resident wombats and wildlife.
Donate here: https://www.goongerahwombatorphanage.org
Humane Society International (AUS)
HSI are a leader in global disaster response and are deploying relief teams to help animal survivors and assist with wildlife rescue efforts.
Donate here: https://action.hsi.org.au/page/52181/donate/1
Jarake Wildlife Sanctuary
Jarake are doing food drops throughout the burnt bush for survivors. They’re also committed to rescuing and rehabilitating for as long as it takes.
Donate here: https://wildlifeteats.com/donation-to-jarake-wildlife-sanctuary/
Kangaloola Wildlife Shelter *
Kangaloola was not hit by the fires but they have been hit by the growing numbers of seriously injured or orphaned wildlife that have shown up at their door. Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/kangaloolawildlifeshelter
Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park
This wildlife park is raising funds for all the bushfire-stricken wildlife coming into its care.
Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-save-kangaroo-islands-koalas-and-wildlife
Koalas in Care
KiC have run a clinic for koalas for 25 years. They have been financially stretched since the beginning of the bushfire season.
Donate here: http://www.koalasincare.org.au/
LAOKO Snowy Mountains Wildlife Rescue
LAOKO are working tirelessly to support the wildlife affected by the ongoing fires in the Snowy Mountains/Snow Moraaro region. Their greatest expense is special marsupial milk for their orphans.
Donate here: https://laokosmwr.org/donate-now
Majors Creek Wombat Sanctuary *
The people at Major’s Creek are members of NARG and they are currently balancing doing food drops in South East NSW with caring for their sanctuary of wombats, most of whom were evacuated during the worst of the fires. They’ll need ongoing support.
Donate here: https://www.wombatrefuge.com.au/sponsor-a-wombat
Mallacoota Wildlife Shelter
This shelter are in desperate need of funds to help with the growing influx of badly burnt animals.
Donate via direct deposit: SA Johns, Mallacoota Wildlife Shelter account. BSB 062649 A/c 10126146. For overseas people the Commonwealth Bank Swift Code is CBTAAU2S.
Native Animal Rescue Group (NARG) *
NARG are a group of skilled volunteers who rescue, rehabilitate and release sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife in and our Braidwood, NSW, an area decimated by the fires.
Donate here to support their work: http://narg.asn.au/donate
The Owl and the Pussycat Farm*
This family run volunteer-supported farm sanctuary in the Byron hinterland has opened its doors to more than 60 animals in recent months who have been evacuated by fires. They’re in dire need of assistance to buy food, water, fencing and more.
Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/farm-animal-bushfire-rescue-nnsw
Possumwood *
This small sanctuary has been in operation for 16 years with its volunteers working around the clock. They are currently treating an influx of fire affected patients and their fundraiser could use your help. Follow their updates here.
Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-our-wildlife
The Rescue Collective
This collective is working to support the hundreds of carers on the east coast who are seeing injured animals pour into their care. They’re paying for food drops, medicines and organising craft days.
Donate here: https://mkc.org.au/donations/arfsncrafts
Shoalhaven Bat Clinic
This bat clinic had to evacuate due to fires but they continue to provide care for their flying foxes. As the drought and fire worsen, so will their financial strain.
Donate here: https://shoalhaven-bat-clinic-sanctuary.giveeasy.org/we-nee
Sleepy Hollow Wombat Sanctuary *
This sanctuary is working diligently daily to save whatever creatures have survived the horrific bushfires. This include food and water drops. They are also still caring for the 75 wombats that their sanctuary houses.
Donate here: https://sleepyburrows.com.au/how-can-you-help/
Southern Cross Wildlife Care
This volunteer run shelter includes a qualified and experienced veterinary surgeon. They need funds to care for bushfire affected wildlife including an oxygen tent for animals with respiratory difficulty and a new humidicrib for orphaned wildlife.
Donate here: https://au.gofundme.com/f/wildlife-need-urgent-help-from-drought-amp-fire
Vets for Compassion
Vets for Compassion have just flown in to help wildlife in Mallacoota and will need further assistance.
Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-our-vets-ease-the-suffering-of-wildlife
Wallabia Wildlife Shelter
Wallabia have escaped fires with three baby kangaroos, a baby wombat and a possum. They have lost the shelter, as well as their house and caravan to the fires.
Donate here: https://chuffed.org/project/wallabia
Warriors For Wildlife
WfW are coordinating an extraordinary state-wide effort across Victoria for displaced and injured animals. They are 100% volunteer run and their fundraiser has a way to go.
Donate here: https://www.warriors4wildlife.org/donate
Wild2Free Kangaroo Sanctuary
Wild2Free are raising funds to rebuild their fire damaged sanctuary and secure supplies to care for injured kangaroos.
Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/rae039s-campaign-for-wild-2-free-inc
Wildcare Australia
Wildcare Australia need help getting teams of people out into the Gold Coast hinterland to search for survivors.
Donate here: https://wildcare-australia-inc.giveeasy.org/urgent-help-for-our-wildlife
Wildlife Rescue and Protection Vic (WRAP) *
WRAP are a registered network of shelters for wildlife in the Gippsland area (VIC). They will help affected shelters to rebuild and will provide financial assistance where they can.
Donate here: http://www.wrap.org.au/donations
Wildlife Rescue Sunshine Coast
WRSC are raising funds to distribute to various wildlife rescues.
Donate here: https://wildlife-rescue-sunshine-coast-inc.giveeasy.org/help-save-our-wildlife
Wildlife Victoria
Wildlife Vic are running a bushfire appeal to assist fire-affected wildlife across the state. Information on how to help bushfire-affected wildlife here.
Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/wildlife-victoria-bushfire-appeal
The NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service are accepting donations to help their widespread efforts in supporting displaced and injured wildlife affected by the NSW fires.
Donate here: https://www.wires.org.au/donate/emergency-fund
Wombat Care Bundanoon
Wombat Care are encouraging their community to gather food for the wildlife in the Southern Highlands and they’re in need of funds for more feed. The fires are expected to return to the area soon.
Donate here: http://www.wombatcarebundanoon.com.au/contact-us/
* New additions as of 19 February 2020. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of animal carers and organisations in need. If you’d like to suggest any additions, you can contact us at info@voiceless.org.au.
Disclaimer: Voiceless does not endorse any of the above fundraisers. While we have used reasonable care in preparing the list, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. You may not rely on the information provided, and we encourage you to check the accuracy, suitability and currency of any information provided. The list is not comprehensive, and does not include all carers and organisations impacted by the bushfires, and/or assisting fire-affected wildlife.