About the Voiceless Grants Program
The Voiceless Grant Program supports impactful initiatives in line with our vision to create a just, equitable world where animals can flourish.
Billions of animals worldwide experience lives of abject suffering and deprivation in the animal-industrial complex, condoned by law, policy, and social institutions.
The Voiceless Grants Program focuses exclusively on the root causes of animal exploitation and works to shift the anti-animal values, beliefs and assumptions that shape our political, social, legal and economic systems. Rather than working under existing attitudes, we support transformative, disruptive stances, visionary projects, partners and ideas, that will challenge the status-quo, ensure animals have fair and effective legal rights and realise our vision for a just and equitable where animals can flourish.
We invest in people and projects to foster pro-animal values and create lasting systemic change by disrupting the status quo and reforming our social, political, legal and institutional systems.
If you are a changemaker dedicated to protecting animals, we would love to hear from you. Please be sure to read our eligibility criteria and guide on how to apply before you start an application
Why the Voiceless Grants Program?
Voiceless acknowledges that new animal advocacy strategies are required to achieve meaningful change.
Eighty billion land animals and up to three trillion fishes are consumed globally each year and experience routine confinement, transport and slaughter. These sentient animals experience lives of abject suffering and deprivation through legalised and institutionalised cruelty. Millions more land animals are exploited for their fur and skins, or used for sports, trophies and other human entertainment with little concern as to their experiences.
A long history of anthropocentric values and speciesism has allowed humans to consider animals as property, things, killable, with little moral value or use beyond human desires.
Watch our explainer video about the Voiceless Grants Program

Our Theory of Change
The Voiceless Grants Program aims to inspire and support a new generation of changemakers in animal protection through its Theory of Change strategy.
Voiceless invests in, encourages and empowers visionary people and transformative ideas that address the root causes of anthropocentric attitudes and focus on important reforms to our social and legal systems.
We are investing in projects that are disruptive and challenge the status quo. These include approaches that disrupt dominant anthropocentric attitudes, reform all versions of animal exploitation and legalised animal cruelty, and that promote animal flourishing.